Felix Behrends, Energy Transition Engineer, Amsterdam City
aims to reduce carbon emissions by 95% by 2050
heating network needs to triple in size
to be climate neutral by 2050
We made loads of scenarios and experimented with various runs we would like to test in Amsterdam. We are incredibly happy with the results we have.
Felix Behrends, Energy Transition Engineer, Amsterdam City
Amsterdam City faced the challenge of planning and designing a largescale district heating network to reduce carbon emissions in alignment with the Aardgasvrij initiative. To do this, they needed a tool that could explore various scenarios, provide ballpark figures, and offer a perspective of the future layout of the district heating network for the entire city. The tool needed to handle the complexity of tripling the size of the district heating network while considering spatial scarcity above and below ground. An integrated approach was sought to leverage the city's knowledge of spatial availability and utilize it effectively.
IQGeo’s Comsof Heat software offered an invaluable solution for Amsterdam City, enhancing their understanding of district heating possibilities. Results highlighted the need for specific locations, piping, and street openings, correlating spatial impact, cost, and energy performance. These insights enabled better coordination with stakeholders and integration with city planning. Amsterdam is now prepared for the next phase of making their district heating plans a reality.
In August 2022, IQGeo announced the acquisition of Comsof. Read the article in full on our news page.
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