Reprinted Upp case study article from SCTE Broadband Journal Magazine.
network provider
premises by 2025
locations in England
GE and IQGeo have had many common clients on different continents. That said, Upp has been quite innovative in their approach, leveraging our solutions in the context of the resource challenges faced in the UK.
Kelly Fournier, Head of Client Acquisition at Comsof Fiber – an IQGeo business.
Upp plans deployment of full-fibre network to one million premises by 2025 in eastern England. With the resource challenges faced in the UK, Upp required a solution to rollout their network unhindered by the shortage of fibre network designers in the UK as well as have the ability to integrate inventory capabilities for inside and outside plant.
IQGeo’s Comsof Fiber auto design software, integrated with the GE Digital Smallworld Network Inventory solution, enables Upp to automatically design an error-free network, speeding up the rollout process while keeping build costs low. IQGeo’s automated fibre-optic network design software allows fibre-optic network planning to rapidly scale.
Reprint of Upp case study article from SCTE Broadband Journal Magazine.
“Our business plan is to focus on the East of England region and become the regional player.” Alex Marshall, Founder and CTIO at Upp.
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