Today we are working with our employees, customers, and partners to design next-generation renewable networks and optimize their existing processes to cut unnecessary carbon emissions.
A Carbon Neutral company
Reducing customer emissions
Striving for a greener future
Climate crisis demands that every individual and organization reduce their consumption of carbon emitting energy sources and IQGeo’s telecommunication and utility customers are at the forefront of helping our communities adapt to a net-zero carbon economy.
This is a major challenge for organizations that operate and maintain utility grids and telecom networks and the IQGeo network management software provides a valuable technology foundation to assist operators with net-zero initiatives, and our carbon neutral status also helps our customers to decarbonize their supply chain. The grid modernization required to meet carbon reduction objectives demands the efficient design and operation of network assets. Our software provides a single geospatial view that integrates assets and processes across the network lifecycle to understand the current state of their networks and to develop effective strategies for the future.
Today we are working with our employees, customers, and partners to design next-generation renewable networks and optimize their existing processes to cut unnecessary carbon emissions. While this is a long-term project, we appreciate the strategic role that the IQGeo software plays in helping our customers reduce carbon emissions and improve the lives of all our communities. As a critical global mission, we will continue to develop our software to support our customers’ carbon reduction and net-zero emission objectives.
In April 2024 IQGeo announced that it received Carbon Assessed and Carbon Neutral Organisation status for the third consecutive year.
Working with its auditing partner Carbon Footprint Ltd. the carbon footprint for IQGeo’s global business was assessed, documenting the tonnes of carbon produced by the company’s office-based and travel activities. As the company grows, IQGeo is working to mitigate carbon emissions and was able to report a decline in carbon emission per employee in 2023 compared to our previous year's emissions. IQGeo was awarded Carbon Neutral Organisation Certification for 2023 by offsetting the total tonnes of carbon generated during the calendar year through its support of high-quality, certified carbon offsetting projects.
In keeping with the carbon reduction initiatives of our telecom and utility industry customers, we selected a portfolio of renewable energy offset projects in Europe, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. These projects in developing countries are reducing the production of carbon emissions and offsetting carbon produced elsewhere in the world.
Degirmen Weir and Hydroelectric Power Plant
Renewable energy in Turkey
Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project
Reforestation and improved agricultural practices in Congo
Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Power Project
Wind energy in Thailand
Renewable Solar Power Project
Solar energy facility in India
The selected projects above meet the Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard, two of the highest international standards for carbon credits, and comply with the stringent requirements of the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) for Carbon Offsetting.
In addition to receiving Carbon Neutral Certification for 2023, IQGeo is also participating in a UK based tree planting project in which two trees will be planted for each IQGeo employee. Planting trees is an efficient way to sequester carbon emissions for the future by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, while improving the quality of the natural environment. The UK Tree Planting project is managed and verified by Carbon Footprint Ltd. and takes place at schools and biodiversity sites around the country.
Please contact us if you would like to learn more about IQGeo’s decarbonization initiatives.
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