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IQGeo in the news

Recent articles that feature IQGeo in telecommunications, utilities, and geospatial publications written by IQGeo and industry experts. 


Accurate grid data will be vital to the uptake of EVs

Governments are prioritising the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) as part of their efforts to meet net-zero carbon objectives, which continue to gain momentum.

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Why do telecom operators need high-quality data for AI integration?

The fast pace of emerging technology adoption is increasing pressure on telecom operators to meet demands and implement AI.

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Network data key to coping with increased EV demand

This article explores how networks can handle the added demand of EV charging with increasing grid complexity, as the UK accelerates its transition to a net zero future.

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utilities geospatial
Publication_SMART ENERGY

Network data: The key to success as electric vehicle targets approach

Electric vehicle (EV) targets are accelerating globally, and utilities are racing to stay ahead. Globally, governments are prioritising the shift to EVs as part of their efforts to meet net zero carbon objectives.

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Data is the backbone of grid modernization

Data is the backbone of grid modernization

As the world accelerates towards net-zero carbon goals, utility operators find themselves at a critical tipping point. Over the last decade, pressure on utility operators has increased dramatically, driven by new initiatives that demand a radical redesign of the power grid.

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With EV Targets Growing Closer, Operators Must Remember that Network Data Sits at the Core of Success

As electric vehicle targets accelerate globally, utilities are racing against time to adapt – and data sits at the heart of every successful transition.

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You're ready for AI, but is your data?

Establishing a strong foundation for AI starts with high-quality network data. A recent report by McKinsey & Company emphasizes the positive impact that AI can have on the telecommunications industry in terms of growth.

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Publication_SMART ENERGY

Building a strong data foundation: Preparing utilities for AI integration

As utility operators across the globe contend with a rapidly evolving landscape, they are facing significant challenges, such as rising electricity demand, the decentralisation of energy production, and the transition to electrification.

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Techwave engages in strategic partnership with IQGEO

Techwave, a global enabler in IT and engineering services, has announced a strategic partnership with IQGeo, a provider of innovative geospatial software solutions.

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EXFO boosts field testing efficiency for FTTH networks with innovative solutions & partnership

Expanding upon EXFO’s Exchange automated processes, a new partnership with IQGeo will enable integration of specific workflows at the planning, design, and operational stages of network deployment and management.

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Exclusive: Brightspeed gets whopping $3.7B in financing to build fiber networks

Brightspeed, the company that bought Lumen Technologies’ copper assets in 20 markets, has won $3.7 billion in new financing to spend toward its fiber buildouts.

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Bridging the rural connectivity divide by implementing an effective strategy

An estimated 2.6 billion people still lack internet access globally; in the US, over 7.2 million locations lack high-speed internet. Governments must act to bridge the rural connectivity divide and provide universal access to this essential utility.

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Telecom Ramblings

Laying the Foundation for AI with High-Quality Network Data

McKinsey’s report, “The AI-native telco: Radical transformation to thrive in turbulent times,” underscores the potential of AI and Machine Learning (ML) to drive growth and disruption within the telecom sector.

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Bridging the rural connectivity gap through empowering field teams

John Tarleton discusses fibre rollout to rural areas and the planning that goes into the implementation of broadband in underserved communities.

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Field Mobility is Key to the Rural Connectivity Challenge

Easily accessible software is also a major priority, particularly for those working in rural areas with unstable internet connection. By providing teams with software which works both online and offline, field workers will be able to continue doing their jobs without disruption.

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Closing the rural connectivity divide begins with empowering field teams

In order to achieve success to bridging the digital divide, operators require a holistic view that considers the skillsets of their team, their digital tools, and the overarching business strategy.

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Bridging the rural connectivity divide

The rural and urban connectivity divide has been an important topic of discussion for a number of years, and it shows no signs of waning in importance. As society becomes increasingly digitalised, we have seen more branches of banks closing down, fewer bricks and mortar shops, and the rise of remote and online working.

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Empowering Contractors With Essential Field Tools and Strategies

Many rural and underserved areas globally still lack adequate broadband infrastructure, creating a digital divide that hampers opportunities for residents and businesses.

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Total telecom and IQGeo article

How can the rural connectivity gap be tackled?

Total Telecom recently sat down with Raf Meersman to discuss the rural digital divide in both the UK and abroad, and how the issue can best be tackled through collaboration and innovative solutions.

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Total telecom and IQGeo article

Why streamlining processes is crucial for broadband operators

There is a social and economic expectation that full-fibre broadband should be accessible to everyone, regardless of economic status or location. This has created a unique opportunity for new and existing operators to rapidly grow, by providing internet access to previously underserved areas.

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Seizing the full-fiber broadband opportunity begins with integration

Anticipation and expectations for widespread access to full-fiber broadband are high, creating a competitive landscape for broadband providers eager to extend their networks to previously underserved areas. Many operators are capitalizing on this expansion opportunity.

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Coffee with HR

IQGeo is a tech company, so it should be no surprise that it is embracing technology when it can help develop its staff. And simplify life for the HR team. With offices and employees dotted around the world — the HQ is in the UK, while Tom works from its Denver, Colorado office — it has a forward-thinking approach to flexible working too.

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Meet Them Where They Are

Learn concrete ways to engage two critical groups of engineers to strengthen your fiber workforce: seasoned professionals and digital natives. Consulting firm RVA’s1 recently released “2023-2024 North American Fiber Broadband Report: FTTH and 5G Review...

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Preparing electric utility operators for the effects of climate change

Extreme weather events brought about by climate change are on the rise. This puts grid infrastructure at risk, disrupting operations, and potentially endangering the public.

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The 2023 ISE Network Innovators’ Awards

The 2023 ISE Network Innovators' Awards were announced at the 2023 ISE EXPO event and IQGeo was amongst many other industry innovators voted as honorees. We are proud to have received the Gold Honoree for our software solution Network Manager Telecom.

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Telecom Ramblings

The importance of integration for seamless broadband operations

There’s a unique opportunity awaiting broadband operators today with the expectation that full fiber internet performance should be available to everyone, regardless if they live in a city, town, or rural community.

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Fiber operators can start fast and easily scale up with new IQGeo software editions

IQGeo introduces three new editions of its Network Manager Telecom product to provide rapid startup for fiber network operators and a seamless path to automating and scaling up business processes.

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The future of the utilities workforce: building capabilities in the digital era

The utility industry is facing a major challenge as it navigates the constantly evolving landscape of the electric grid. To make matters more challenging, the industry is also experiencing a workforce crisis.

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Solving workforce crisis: A crucial step for successful fibre deployment

Active involvement of the workforce is vital for swift and seamless fibre rollout plans. Operators can achieve this by providing up-to-date operational technology that leverages the competencies of Gen Z.

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2023 is the year to bring velocity to fiber rollouts

The telecom industry has proven to be crucial to all our lives and the increasing demand for high-speed broadband infrastructure has pushed operators to innovate and adapt quickly. Service providers should consider implementing a focused...

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Solving the workforce crisis for successful fiber deployment

Solving the workforce crisis for successful fiber deployment

One key issue is the scarcity of skilled workers. Older workers are retiring and finding the skills required to replace them is difficult. Operators must address this shortage for successful broadband implementation.

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Three levels of district energy network design maturity

In the latest edition of The District Energy Journal, Kurt Marlein shares a design maturity model to help deliver the growing interest in practical deployment strategies for District Energy networks. Read on page 15.

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Building the Future Workforce: Digital Skills for the Utilities Sector

Operators should avoid framing the adoption of modern technology as a way of replacing existing employees. The utility industry is facing an unprecedented challenge as it grapples with the rapidly...

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The Electric Utility Operators of Tomorrow Need To Be Proactive in The Face of Climate Change

The utility industry is at serious risk from climate change, which is causing more frequent and acute weather events. As a result, we are seeing how the grid...

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Now is the right time to accelerate fiber rollout

In today’s digitally-driven world, where consumer demand and technology evolution have ramped up quickly, users expect high-speed connectivity in their homes, offices and on-the-go.

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Geospatial for the fiber and renewables goldrush

Wilfred Waters from The Geospatial Index interviews Steve Tongish, Chief Marketing Officer about IQGeo's solution to approach more distributed networks and the dynamics of the business in a growing market.

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Broadband’s Velocity Imperative

In this latest edition of Broadband Communities magazine, Jay Cadman discusses how service providers can gain a competitive advantage by working to continually resolve such common issues as workforce and technology transitions. Read the article in full on page 48.

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Fiber Broadband Association

Prioritizing small successes will win the big broadband race

In the latest edition of Fiber Broadband's Fiber Forward magazine, Clark Stevenson, discusses how prioritizing small successes will win the big broadband race. Read the article in full on page 51.

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2023 is the year to turn ideas into reality for fiber rollout

The last few years have tested and proved our deep reliance on the telecom industry. With growing consumer demands on internet infrastructure, broadband operators have had to innovate fast to keep pace with demand and technology.

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The Future of the Utilities Workforce: Building Capabilities in the Digital Era

The utility industry is facing a major challenge as it navigates the constantly evolving landscape of the electric grid. Managing the transformation brought about by the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, the rise of...

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Vanilla Plus and IQGeo article

A velocity technology deployment is essential for fibre operators

As the internet has grown to become an integral part of our lives, the telecom industry has continually innovated to keep up. We now have super-fast fibre broadband that can handle virtually any internet...

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Fiber operators benefit from an integrated network strategy

The telecom industry has innovated to keep up with the demands of the digital age. Super-fast fiber broadband and 5G are delivering continuous, reliable internet to businesses...

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Fiber Velocity is Imperative; Talent is Elusive

As the world moves increasingly online, the telecom industry has experienced an era of vision and innovation to keep up with technology evolution and consumer demands. The creation of super-fast fiber broadband promises to bring high-speed...

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Business Weekly

Bango and IQGeo win deals in Japan

IQGeo has signed a major new contract with NESIC in Japan to deliver a utility disaster assessment solution for Japanese public authorities. IQGeo has a long-standing integration partnership with NESIC who has provided disaster assessment and emergency response solutions...

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Brightspeed - Delivering the brightest of futures

Brightspeed COO Tom Maquire, and procurement and supply chain VP Brenda Rapp share the secret to Brightspeed fiber deployment success. IQGeo's network management software is helping Brightspeed rapidly and efficiently deliver vital...

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Profits of boom as IQGeo soars into the black

IQGeo, a leading developer of geospatial productivity and collaboration software for telecoms and utility network operators, expects results to be ahead of expectations – showing ongoing growth across all key metrics and its first full year of adjusted EBITDA profitability.

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telecom utilities

Member Spotlight: IQGeo

SCTE interview with IQGeo, Upp, GE Digital and Real World Systems. Upp is working with IQGeo's fiber design and GE Digital solutions to design its FTTx networks, planned to be deployed to one million premises by 2025 in eastern England. The solution enables Upp to speed up the...

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5 ways for operators to capture fiber broadband market share

There is a race across the fiber telecom sector to capture market share, and the broadband operators that achieve this quickly will reap significant financial rewards. The telecom industry has grown massively...

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Short sprints are a winning strategy

Learn how small incremental technology gains are a long-term innovation strategy that works. Remote working, along with other digital factors such as the growing popularity of professional gaming, have created a huge demand for superfast fiber broadband. So much so, that the US...

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Publication_SMART ENERGY

Electric utilities should look to the telecom industry to learn how to stay ahead of market changes

Citing the telecom industry’s openness to change, Adrian McNulty – VP Investor Solutions for IQGeo – outlines some of the main lessons that electric...

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Sharing Telecom Industry Lessons With Utility Operators

Electric utility operators that respond to the new market competition, government mandates, and changing customer needs will outpace the competition, setting themselves up for success in the years to come. Electricity demand and consumption patterns have...

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Electrical utilities can look beyond their own industry for ‘innovation inspiration’ and avoid being outrun by market changes

Changing usage patterns, rising demand for electricity, and increasing decarbonization...

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Small wins will lead to big successes in the fiber broadband race

The evolution of our digital society has changed internet access from a luxury to a human right. We’ve seen this in action during the pandemic, as many industries moved to remote working to continue operating...

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The winners of this year’s fibre broadband race will share a culture of innovation

When the coronavirus pandemic hit a few years ago it fundamentally changed the way people will live and work for...

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Why a proactive data strategy is the key to grid resilience

Christian Wirth explains how a shift towards virtual and remote work environments alongside evolving customer preferences have combined to create an environment rife with uncertainty and unpredictability for utilities...

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Pragmatic incremental gains take center stage in the fiber broadband race

The increased reliance on the internet across all major industries has seen the telecom sector grow exponentially over...

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How to Create a More Resilient Network in the Face of an Ever-Evolving Risk Landscape

With the evolving threat landscape in mind, utility companies must have reactive and flexible disaster recovery plans, as well as adopting...

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Streamlining the Fiber Build Process

Broadband network industry standards aid broadband connectivity equity for metro-area affordable housing and MDUs. The telecom industry experienced incredible growth during the last decade. The...

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Why network resilience will become more important than you think this year

Over time, superfast broadband has gone from being seen as a luxury to an essential service for social wellbeing and economic...

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The key to disaster-resilient grids of the future

With extreme weather events challenging the resilience of utility grids across the globe, Christian Wirth explores the crucial role of geospatial data...

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Upskilling Engineers for 5G Success

The Right Knowledge and Technology Is Mission-Critical. 5G is the future of telecommunications, and that future is arriving fast. The number of 5G mobile service...

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Decarbonization and Net-Zero Regulations Will Define Telecoms’ 2022

As the world shifts to a renewable economy, telecom organizations must adapt to greater customer expectations, increasing...

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Top market evolution trends for 2022

2022 is a challenging year to make predictions. It is difficult to capture the vast changes that have taken place in the past year and how they will affect this industry because the world has transformed in ways we...

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How Utilities can Protect Distributed Grids From Increasing Extreme Weather Events

We are witnessing a dramatic increase in extreme weather events threatening the electric...

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The Data Divide

Why Open Data Is Critical To Diversifying The Superfast Broadband Market. Superfast broadband is increasingly recognized as a vital enabler of future economic and social development. Full fiber and 5G...

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5 Mins With: John Tarleton of IQGeo

Mobile Magazine interviews John Tarleton, Director of Business Developement for Europe at IQGeo, a geospatial software company based in the UK...

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The road to data-driven network resilience

Now more than ever, companies require a proactive and predictive risk management model that can continue to...

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Grid resilience demands we understand our infrastructure above and below ground

As the glue interlinking everything from the industrial ‘Internet of Things’ to smart grids and underpinning the real-time social and economic services of the...

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The basics of public funding for fiber networks

Small, independent service providers can use several public funding opportunities to help cover initial startup costs. Developing a fiber network is expensive. Costs and resourcing can add up quickly when...

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Five Companies Offering Location and Geospatial Intelligence Solutions Named IDC Innovators

International Data Corporation (IDC) today published an IDC...

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Four steps to greater network resilience

As lifeline service providers, utilities must be resilient to a wide variety of threats, including so-called ‘black swan events’ – those for which there are no precedents. Jay Cadman, of IQGeo looks at how to create robust risk management...

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Why telecoms companies can and should gain better network resilience

Telecoms operators now face a more diverse, fast changing array of threats than ever. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks...

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Open telecom data critical in race for superfast broadband

Christian Wirth, General Manager, Europe & Asia at IQGeo, explores why companies must prioritise open and decentralised telecoms data...

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How COVID-19 has changed energy networks for the better

The pandemic has accelerated the arrival of a ‘new normal’ for utilities argues Jay Cadman. The shift in working patterns driven by COVID-19 restrictions has accelerated the digital...

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Why is open telecoms data key to winning the race for superfast broadband?

In the wake of the economic impact from COVID-19 restrictions, most enterprises see fiber and 5G networks as critical to their reinvention and recovery, providing the post-pandemic...

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Are legacy systems impeding 5G rollouts?

Data Lag Is No Longer Acceptable — The FCC recently launched a 5G Fast Plan for nationwide coverage, challenging the private sector to meet this ambition. The Pentagon also recently agreed to share part of the wireless spectrum to help speed up...

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Democratising telecoms data is key to democratising 5G access

It has been widely reported that the UK Government is likely to miss its target of gigabit-capable broadband for 85% of the UK by 2025. One of the key barriers is...

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Location is key to tapping into the utility data goldmine

Currently there is an abundance of data. A recent report from GlobalData highlighted how the ever-increasing deployment of smart devices and technologies within smart energy grids is creating an exponentially...

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Better together

Against a backdrop of omnipresent natural and man-made threats, Steve Tongish makes the case for data sharing between utility providers – not just to counter the unexpected, but to pave the way for smart grids of tomorrow. Utility companies are increasingly...

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Optimizing fiber optic expansion with digital processes

Recent articles that feature IQGeo in telecommunications, utilities, and geospatial publications written by IQGeo and industry experts. Please note, this article is written in German.

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Accurate, open data is crucial to cross-sector grid planning and disaster prevention

Virtually no industry is immune from the challenges posed by environmental issues including the compelling need to rapidly decarbonize our energy sources...

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How the Covid-19 pandemic is driving positive change across the energy industry

It has been widely reported that Covid-19 lockdown restrictions have hit energy consumption and industry revenues. But few have noted that Covid-19 has also...

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Open, decentralized data is key to a successful telecom market

As organizations grapple with increasingly disparate data sources and growing volumes of data to analyze, opening up this information to senior technical...

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Streamlining connectivity for all with open, decentralized data

5G is predicted to have the same economic impact on the US as commercializing the internet did 25 years ago. The technology is the motor of a new data...

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An open, decentralised route to nationwide connectivity

Widening connectivity through access to high-speed broadband and ongoing fibre deployments is a crucial priority for the telecoms industry, especially given our...

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How providers can capture and keep deep knowledge

Recording network data on a software-based system of record enables providers to capture and disseminate knowledge before it escapes the business...

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How to boost 5G roll-out with joined-up, data-driven networks

Following the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) recent launch of a ‘5G Fast Plan’ which aims to accelerate nationwide coverage, it is clear that the industry faces a...

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How utilities can manage decentralised grids

While renewable smart grids are helping to reduce carbon emissions, their decentralised nature is eroding the conventional control and visibility of energy operators over the...

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Mapping and monitoring decentralised grids: the challenges facing utilities

One-way distribution-centric energy networks are being replaced by distributed...

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Weathering the storm

Christian Wirth explains how accurate and accessible open geospatial network data is the key to disaster-resilient grids of the future. It is undeniable that the electrical utility industry has faced increasing environmental changes and operational...

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Open and accessible networks are key as 5G and full-fibre are rolled out

Good network and customer service have never been as vital to the success of the telecoms industry as they are today.

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Changes in the Geospatial Industry Will Transform Broadband

Changes in the Geospatial Industry Will Transform Broadband

Augmented reality, reality capture, computer vision, and machine learning will automate data capture of physical...

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How to address the challenge of national connectivity

"Governments around the world are attempting to ensure equitable distribution of connectivity to all people and places."

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Rebooting telecom customer service with open and transparent network data

Some of the most forward-thinking network operators are reimagining the role that a mobile-first geospatial strategy...

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Speeding up disaster response with the IQGeo Platform

Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, heavy snow... The Japanese archipelago where disasters occur almost every year. Immediately after the disaster, quick infrastructure restoration...

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TELUS Tells Us Their Churn Reduction Secret

It’s GIS — Merriam-Webster defines geospatial as an adjective: consisting of, derived from, or relating to data directly linked to specific geographical...

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Open network data can help grids weather the storm of climate hazards

Extreme weather events are increasing in severity and frequency and exposing utility grids to new and unprecedented threats."

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Accessible and accurate network data holds the key to disaster-resilient grids

Christian Wirth, general manager for Europe at IQGeo, explains why networks need a more “decentralised, accurate and timely view” of their assets to...

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Accessible network data holds the key to better telecoms customer service

The telecoms industry currently faces a perfect storm of challenges that will require radical changes to existing industrial processes and practices. One such challenge...

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Realizing digital transformation – Lessons learned from utility operators

The IQGeo team has had a busy year working with utility and telecoms customers to deploy our software solutions to support the digital transformation of their...

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Women in IT: Divyanshi Asthana

We are proud to announce the launch of our Women and Diversity in IT editorial series. This series aims to speak with women about their experience in the IT and Testing industries.

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Realizing digital transformation – Lessons learned from utility operators

The IQGeo team has had a busy year working with utility and telecoms customers to deploy...

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How to empower your field teams

Field teams can become your secret weapon – provided you give them the right tools, says Steve Tongish. One big stumbling block to improving operational...

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Interview with Michael Schoenstein

The company IQGeo offers geo-IT solutions for network operators and telecommunications. We spoke to Michael Schönstein, Director Utilities Solutions, Europe. Please note, this article is in German.

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Decarbonization and Net-Zero Regulations Will Define Telecoms’ 2022

Recent articles that feature IQGeo in telecommunications, utilities, and geospatial publications written by IQGeo and industry experts.

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