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IQ industry chat

2025 predictions for fiber and utility operators

John D’Agostino, Global Power Industry Lead at ERM

Vincent Garnier, Director General at the FTTH Council Europe

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IQ industry chat with John D’Agostino and Vincent Garnier

The year 2024 has been remarkable for the broadband industry, marked by unprecedented fiber deployments and ongoing adoption. Meanwhile, the electric utility sector is experiencing significant grid modernization and updates, fueled by substantial private and public investments in these sectors.

As we look forward to 2025, we have invited industry experts John D’Agostino and Vincent Garnier to provide their insights into what the coming year might bring for telecom and electric utility operators.

Key themes discussed in this session include:

  • With increasing public and private investments, where do they anticipate resources and technology will be concentrated in the upcoming year?
  • What will be the critical business, technical, and operational challenges for telecom and utility operators?
  • What opportunities might arise within these industries?
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The utility industry is faced with some unique challenges right now. One of the things it's referred to is the industry trilemma. And the three issues that are associated there are how do you manage sustainability, the pressure to decarbonize, while also maintaining resiliency.

John D’Agostino, Global Power Industry Lead at ERM

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I think everyone faces operational challenges. And to deploy fast at lower cost with operational excellence requires tools and that is everybody's concern. Continuous improvement that takes place at every level of deployment.

Vincent Garnier, Director General at the FTTH Council Europe

John D’Agostino

John-DAgostino-ERM-160x160Global Power Industry Lead at ERM

Vincent Garnier

Vincent-Garnier-FTTH-Council-EuropeDirector General at the FTTH Council Europe

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Why is data quality important to the success of broadband and utility operators today?

Network IQ industry chat hosted David Cottingham, IQGeo's CTO to discuss how broadband and utility operators can use high-quality network data to their advantage, and the role of powerful emerging technologies.

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