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Network IQ

Insights from industry experts

IQGeo’s Network IQ series shares insights from experts on important telecom and utility industry conversations. You can enjoy the series through short written options and video interviews.

What’s to come for fiber and electric utility operators in 2025? 

As we look forward to 2025, we invited two industry experts, John D’Agostino, Global Power Industry Lead at ERM, and Vincent Garnier, Director General at the FTTH Council Europe, to join us on Network IQ industry chat. They discuss the challenges, opportunities, and key themes that will shape the telecom and electric utility operators' landscape over the next year.

Watch their interview to prepare the developments in 2025.

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Empowering electric utility field teams with digital mobility

The latest Network IQ session features Charles Huddleston from Central Service Association and Hallee Childress from Bolivar Energy Authority discussing key challenges in the utility sector and the role of technology in grid modernization.

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2025 predictions for fiber and utility operators

As we look forward to 2025, we have invited industry experts John D’Agostino and Vincent Garnier to provide their insights into what the coming year might bring for telecom and electric utility operators.

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Network IQ written panel 8 - Lynne Schneider and John Tarleton

Making field crews successful with mobility software

On the seventh installment of the written panel series, we asked industry experts Lynne Schneider from IDC and John Tarleton from IQGeo, advice on how to ensure successful adoption of location-enabled technology into the hands of more field crews.

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Openreach PIA and its significance to the UK fiber broadband industry

In this Network IQ industry chat, CEO of  Realworld Systems, Dr. Gillian Kendrick explores the role of Openreach PIA in the UK fiber broadband market and the challenges and benefits for UK Altnet providers. 

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Why is data quality so important to the success of broadband and utility operators today?

Network IQ industry chat hosted David Cottingham, IQGeo's CTO to discuss how broadband and utility operators can use high-quality network data to their advantage, and the role of powerful emerging technologies.

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2024 priorities and emerging trends for electric utilities

On the seventh installment of the written panel series, we asked our industry experts from the Boreas group and IQGeo, what they predict will be the biggest priorities and emerging trends for electric utilities over the next 12 months.

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2024 priorities and trends for fiber network operators and vendors

Network IQ industry chat hosted Gary Bolton, President and CEO of the Fiber Broadband Association and Raf Meersman, President of the FTTH Council Board to discuss the priorities and trends emerging for fiber network operators and vendors in 2024. 

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Network IQ written panel 6

Democratizing access to network data and unlocking the potential of state-of-the-art digital systems

On the sixth installment of the written panel series, we asked our industry experts to share how telecom and utility operators can enhance decision-making speed while ensuring field decisions align with business objectives.

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Taking the first steps in a sustainability journey

Network IQ industry chat hosted Corey Glickman and Jeff Kavanaugh from Infosys to discuss the important topic of climate change and business sustainability. The team talk through the big sustainability challenge and the imperatives we’re facing, and how organizations can begin their journey. 

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Network IQ written panel-5

The influence of software technology on attracting and engaging a new Gen Z workforce

On the fifth installment of the written panel series, we asked our industry experts to share their insights on the influence state-of-the-art software technology has on attracting and engaging a new Gen Z workforce. 

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The challenges of grid modernization for electric utilities

Network IQ industry chat with Robert Sarfi and Bill Boswell from the Boreas Group. This 18 minute interview is a fascinating exploration of the grid modernization challenges facing electric utility operators and how to overcome them. 

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Network IQ written panel 4

2023 Technology priorities for telecom and electric utility operators

On the fourth installment of the written panel series, we have asked our industry experts to share their insights on what should be the number one technology priority in 2023 to help telecom and utility operators prepare for the future.

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The history of Comsof and the foundation of automated design software

Network IQ industry chat with Raf Meersman. The Comsof team joined IQGeo as part of an acquisition in August of 2022, Raf shares details on the rich history of Comsof and the benefits of the automated software.

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Network IQ written panel 3

The role of geospatial network data for greater network resilience

On the third installment of the written panel series, we have asked our Network IQ industry experts how organizations can best use geospatial network data to support disaster response and create network resilience. 

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How innovation is changing the way utilities approach vegetation management

Network IQ industry chat with Karim Al-Khafaji from Overstory. In this interview, Karim discusses the role of vegetation management for utility organizations and new data-driven technology innovations to identify risk.. 

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Network IQ written panel 2

The importance of geospatial data for net zero carbon emission priorities

On the second installment of the written panel series, Network IQ industry experts across geospatial, telecom and utilities discuss the importance of geospatial data and net zero carbon emission goals for network operators. 

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What will the network operator winners of the fiber broadband race have in common?

Network IQ industry chat with Gary Bolton. This short video interview with Gary Bolton explores strategies that successful network operators can deploy to help them win the fiber rollout race.

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Network IQ written panel 1

Innovation priorities for telecom and utility network operators

Welcome to the first installment of IQGeo’s Network IQ . In this series, we have asked industry experts across telecom, utilities and geospatial to participate in our written panel about the ongoing “innovation” priority for network operators. 

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