Get the most from your IQGeo product investment
IQGeo is committed to delivering the best customer experience to ensure you can take full advantage of your network management solution. We offer in-depth training options for all our products as well as flexible hours for technical support.
Our team of professional educators offer a range of comprehensive training courses for IQGeo’s award-winning software products. These courses have been designed for IQGeo’s telecom and utility industry customers and partners that share our mission to deliver digital equity and a greener energy future.
All training courses are available as virtual open-seat sessions and upon request can also be conducted as dedicated corporate, and onsite sessions. The virtual open-seat training curriculum is typically organized as multiple ½-day sessions with structured demonstrations and hands-on exercises.
Course offerings
Product courses currently available include: Comsof Fiber | Network Manager Telecom | Inspection & Survey
Comsof Fiber
This training provides the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively use Comsof Fiber to create and edit a high-level automated design. The training will cover input data, how to translate network architecture into a useable format, and understand the design output.
At the end of training, users will know how to create a high-level design from start to finish and produce a costed Bill of Materials for review. Download the training brochure for more information.
Network Manager Telecom
The Designer and Configuration Administration training provides the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient with Network Manager Telecom. Designer training covers the tools required to design a network, update records based on as-builts, run traces, and more. Configuration Administration training teaches how to make changes that affect the front-end application to meet individual company requirements. This includes changing permissions settings, creating new field objects, adding equipment specification lists and labor costs, and more.
At the end of training, users will have created a small network design and develop an understanding of how configuration changes can be used to configure the application.
Designer training
Designer training covers the tools required to design a network, update records based on as-builts, run traces, and more. If you would like to learn more about this training for your organization, download the training brochure.
**Open seat training courses**
Open Seat training is an online course open to any IQGeo customer. The course consists of multiple online sessions with a live instructor held over several consecutive days. You can learn more about this Open Seat training by downloading the training brochure.
Upcoming dates:
Configuration administration training
Configuration Administration training teaches how to make changes that affect the front-end application to meet individual company requirements. This includes changing permissions settings, creating new field objects, adding equipment specification lists and labor costs, and more. If you would like to learn more about this training for your organization, download the training brochure.
Inspection & Survey
The end user and configuration administration training classes provide the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively use the Inspection & Survey software. End user training teaches how to assess any asset type, assign crews to work orders, and use the dashboard to view completed work orders, compliance warnings, and field progress updates. Configuration Administration training teaches how to make changes that affect the front-end application to meet individual company requirements. This includes changing permissions settings, creating new inspectable/surveyable objects, defining survey and inspection types, and more.
At the end of training, users will have set up the application to assign work orders to crews and crew members, review progress reports, and develop an understanding of how configuration changes can be used to configure the application.
End user training
End user training teaches how to assess any asset type, assign crews to work orders, and use the dashboard to view completed work orders, compliance warnings, and field progress updates.
Configuration administration training
Configuration Administration training teaches how to make changes that affect the front-end application to meet individual company requirements. This includes changing permissions settings, creating new inspectable/surveyable objects, defining survey and inspection types, and more.
More product training courses available soon. Enquire about IQGeo product training below.
Virtual open-seat training courses are scheduled dynamically based on course registration numbers.
If you’re interested in registering for one of our training courses or speak with our team about your training requirements, complete our enquiry form and we will follow up to provide additional details and training course pricing.
Network Manager Telecom
Comsof Fiber
Inspection & Survey
Enquire about IQGeo product training.
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