The additional terms and conditions set forth in this SaaS Product Support Schedule, together with the general terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement to which this Support Schedule is attached as an Annex (“the Terms”), shall govern the provision of Support for IQGeo SaaS Products, as detailed in a jointly agreed Order Form. Capitalized terms shall have the same meaning as defined in the Terms or within this Schedule.
- IQGeo Product Support Services
IQGeo Product Support provides Customers a helpdesk to answer technical questions about IQGeo Products, track incidents and diagnostic services for any Standard IQGeo Product. As part of its Product Support activities, IQGeo shall:
- Accept Support Incidents reported by designated Customer personnel;
- Receive, log, and track incidents (Ticketing System) and provide incident status to designated contacts;
- Publication of support incident status through the IQGeo Support Portal
- Provide basic guidance in using an IQGeo Product;
- Provide incident analysis and resolution;
- Advise on Customer-specific environmental factors, like product configuration and access configuration;
- Identify and report Product Defects to IQGeo Engineering.
A Support Incident means an incident that has been verified by the Customer to be a problem within the IQGeo Platform or an IQGeo product, as well as vetted through the Designated Customer Personnel. Designated Customer Personnel means a limited number of Customer employees who have received sufficient training to be proficient with the software. A Support Incident means a reported Incident related to the Standard Product that can be categorized under Severity 1, Severity 2 or Severity 3 or Severity 4 in the Severity Level Tabel below in Section 5 (Incident Management).
Support Service Terms:
- Customers must renew subscription annually without lapsing in order to receive Support services;
- IQGeo Support Helpdesk hours of operation are subject to the selected Support level indicated in the applicable Order and described below in Section 5: Incident Management;
- Response times to reported incidents are described in Incident Management below;
- Support is provided remotely from an IQGeo location and does not include onsite services unless otherwise contracted separately;
- Exclusions
The following is excluded from Product Support:
- User Training is not included in Support Services and can be ordered separately in accordance with Customer needs.
- Support and Maintenance of Third-Party Software. Any advice, recommendation or other services provided by IQGeo in respect of any Third-Party Products in the course of providing Support Services are provided at IQGeo's discretion and are provided 'as is' and in good faith.
- Communication Channels and Customer Contacts
IQGeo maintains a professional staff of technical and administrative personnel prepared to help Customers with their Support related questions. It is recommended that Customers also designate specific resources to handle Support related communications with IQGeo.
To ensure optimal service, IQGeo will ask Customers for specific named individuals.All Support related questions should be routed through these individuals, and via the approved communications channels described in this Schedule.
- Incident Management
An Incident means anything reported to IQGeo Support Services ranging from a basic question to a system outage. The Severity of an incident is a measure of the impact that the incident has on the business in terms of number of users affected, the amount of data lost or corrupted, and the length of time the Product is unavailable. The Severity Levels are defined in the table below.

Response. The following guidelines define target Incident response times, within the Business Hours for IQGeo’s Support subscription. Response times may vary based on the specified Support Level outlined in the relevant Order, as detailed here below. IQGeo shall use all reasonable commercial efforts to meet the target response times.

- Initial Response Time: The upper limit to when work begins on an Incident. It is measured from the time the customer first contacts customer support to the time the customer receives a first response from a customer support agent.
- Update Intervals: the upper limit on the frequency by which the customer shall be informed on progress to Neutralization of the Incident, whereas OOH means Out Of Business Hours availability; BH means Business Hours defined as M – F, 8am-5pm local time; BD means Business Day; NBD means Next Business Day and BRE means Best Reasonable Effort.
- Business Hours/Days: Business Hours/Days has the same meaning as defined in the Terms.
- Neutralization: means a permanent fix or a temporary resolution of the reported problem through any combination of the following: fully resolving the reported issue back to pre-failure condition; providing a temporary work around so as to conform with published product specification(s) or documentation; restoring service or operation of the software back to its intended purpose without any material loss of functionality; providing a software patch that restore functionality until a major release is made generally available; or providing instruction(s) on how to avoid the problem in the future.
- Once a neutralization is identified then Update Intervals become BRE
Escalation. Where a higher severity Incident is reported, or response times are not being met, the following Escalation Procedure will be used. IQGeo covers both Functional and Hierarchical Escalation through a staging process.
- Stage 1: Escalation to Support Lead; Provide an action plan to the customer.
- Stage 2: Report problem to Account Manager and Operations Manager; Provide an updated action plan to the customer.
- Functional – Designate a specific resource to handle the problem.
- Hierarchical – Ensure the proper decision maker is completely informed of all aspects.
- Stage 3: Escalate to Director of Support; Provide daily feedback to the customer according to the action plan.
- Functional - Inform IQGeo Engineering and ensure proper resources can be diverted.
The following result in automatic escalations:
- Severity 1: Any Severity 1 Incident has an automatic escalation to Stage 2, quickly moving to Stage 3 if not resolved in one Business Day.
- Severity 2: Any Severity 2 Incident has an automatic escalation to Stage 1, quickly moving to Stage 2 if not resolved in two business days.
Incident Submission. Incidents may be submitted to IQGeo through two alternative channels:
- Web Portal: Incidents can be submitted and managed through the IQGeo Support Portal via Access to the portal will be distributed when Support Services are contracted or at the time of project go-live.
- Email: Incidents can be submitted to the IQGeo Support Portal via email to Integration with a Customer’s Incident Management System is available subject to the execution of a Statement of Work for the required additional services.
Last updated
January 13th, 2025